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Meet Mrs. Mandy McDonald


Favorite Bible Verse: "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5


I have been a member of the Honey Creek community since birth and feel blessed to have been baptized, confirmed, and married at Immanuel Lutheran Church. I graduated from Lincoln University in 2000 with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Secondary Social Studies Education. I added a Middle School Certification to allow me to teach grades 5-12. I also have my Colloquy certification through the Concordia University system which has allowed me to be a called servant in the LCMS. I taught 7th and 8th grade at Immanuel from 2001-2017.  I am currently loving my new role as Youth and Family Ministry Director and 7th and 8th grade pre-algebra and algebra teacher.


The thing that I like best about my position is sharing the love of Jesus with the families, especially the youth, at Immanuel. I enjoy the challenge of finding fun and meaningful ways for the students to learn and grow in their faith. I also enjoy using the creative gifts that God has given me to come up with new ways to inspire people to be active in God's Word and connected to one another in love.  I am truly blessed to be in such a great church and school with an amazing history of nearly 150 years of sharing God's love while providing great faith building opportunities and an excellent education for students.


I enjoy traveling, camping, reading, spending time with family and friends, and listening to live music.  I am married to Deven McDonald, a wonderful and supportive husband. We have an eight-year-old daughter who is truly a gift from God!


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