PTL – Parent Teacher League

Upcoming Events


About Parent Teacher League

The purpose of the Parent Teacher League (PTL) at Immanuel Lutheran School is to promote Christian education, support our school, assist with various school activities/functions/services, and help maintain a close relationship among our school, our teachers, and our school families.

You, the Parents, are a key component of the success of Immanuel Lutheran School. Parents can participate on the executive board, help at class parties, organize assemblies, publicize PTL activities, volunteer at fundraising events, and much more.  Our parents contribute as they are able.

Parent Teacher League Officers

Kimberly Phillips, President

Jamie Sanning, Vice President

Julie Morris, Secretary

Kendra Crum, Treasurer

WHO is involved in the Parent Teacher League?  All parents or guardians of children attending Immanuel (Preschool through 8th grade), as well as each member of the professional staff, are members of the Parent Teacher League (PTL) and are encouraged to participate in its activities. Parent volunteers serve as the Executive Board and Committee Chairs of PTL as well as help support PTL activities throughout the year.

WHAT is the purpose of the Parent Teacher League?  The purpose of the Parent Teacher League (PTL) is to promote Christian education, support our school by assisting with various school activities/functions/services, and help maintain a close relationship among our school, teachers, and school families.

WHERE does the Parent Teacher League need volunteers?  PTL is run by parent volunteers. We are looking for parents who can coordinate fundraisers and parties, celebrate teachers, provide snacks, sell spirit wear items, help with concessions, greet other families, coordinate assemblies, assist with technology, have fun with children, and assist teachers throughout the year.

WHEN does the Parent Teacher League meet?  PTL meets at ILS Commons in the evening, as needed, for event planning throughout the year. Every parent is welcome to attend PTL meetings. Meetings will be announced on Facebook and via email when they are scheduled.

WHY should I get involved in the Parent Teacher League?  When you get involved in PTL, you are serving your children and their teachers. You can join in fellowship with other parents and families as you are building your child’s school community.

HOW do I get involved in the Parent Teacher League?  Sign up for a committee or get in touch with one of the officers or administrative staff and let us know you want to help. Someone will be in touch with you!

 PTL Supported Activities

Fall Fundraiser – Popcorn Sales

Spring Fundraisers – Golf Tournament & Popcorn Sales

Family Fun Events (Eldon Pool and Fischer Farms)

Grandparents/VIP Day

Christmas Party

National Lutheran Schools Week

Teacher and Staff Appreciation

Athletic Booster Club